Yellow Wood Academy’s Academics

At Yellow Wood Academy, we cater to each student's individual pace—whether they're ahead, behind, or right on track. We recognize the importance of a solid foundation in Math, Science, Social Studies, and English for overall success. Our student support team tailors each student’s program and our teachers customize each session to address the student specific learning needs for the day. By meeting students where they are, we make traditional studies engaging for both eager and reluctant learners. If a student misses school, their program awaits their return.

Our students can choose any combination of classes—full-time, part-time, tutoring and can choose the best environment for them whether it is remote or in-person. Courses come in Foundation, Standard, Honors, & AP levels.

Yellow Wood Academy stands out with uniquely personalized content and classes. We use Standards-Based Grading (SBG), focusing on skill mastery over time, rather than point accumulation. SBG aligns with our philosophy of offering adaptive feedback, empowering students to self-assess, and co-creating a meaningful educational experience with their YWA instructor.

Luke - 12th Grade
Luke came to YWA looking for a school where it was easier to manage his anxiety. Since homework was more of a stress rather than being meaningfull work, his math teacher made him a program to study calculus without taking work home. With the extra bandwith he's gotten back into music and this year joined a YWA rock-band as a drummer.
Brianne - 10th Grade
Brianne was a good student but she struggled to keep up with school while she was on her travelling soccer team. It was impossible to catch back up after being gone for a week at a time. At YWA her teachers made a program just for her that is always right where she left it when she gets back to school.
Cole - 9th Grade
Cole loves learning and is as curious as he is smart. He was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder two years ago and he learns best when his classes are tailored to his interests and accomodate his need for quiet spaces and time to process changes. Learning that he loved lizards, his YWA teachers wove that into his lessons: writing his first ever research paper about Chuckwallas, doing a statistics project in math about lizard life spans, and 3D printing habitats for his pet lizards in Design Thinking class.
Jordan - 6th Grade
Jordan is a spunky kid who is involved in as many activities as they can be. Their YWA teachers provided a supportive environment while they grew in their identity. Their teachers also challenged them in reading and writing while slowing down and building their foundational skills in math.
Jack - 4th Grade
Jack was diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia in 2nd grade and struggled to keep up with his peers in a large classroom. His YWA teachers tried out manipulatives and accessible technology until they found tools that helped him gain confidence in his own learning. By the end of his first year at YWA, he was using the library to check out and read chapter books for fun.

A Culture of We - Social & Emotional Learning

Education goes beyond textbooks and tests - Our approach encompasses the complete development of our students, ensuring that they not only excel academically but also thrive socially and emotionally. Through our personalized programs and supportive environment, we aim to empower every student to reach their full potential.

Learning is a collaborative effort, which is why we emphasize the importance of community. Through our homerooms, clubs, discussions, and school-wide projects, students have the opportunity to engage with their peers in meaningful ways. We strive to foster empathy, understanding, and respect for others, preparing students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.


Tuesday & Thursday | 11:10 - 11:30 a.m.

Clubs are times set aside to work with a team of other students on a subject you’re interested in. Every student signs up for a club when they enroll. They’ll meet with that club twice a week to talk about their topic and work on projects.

  • Puzzles

  • Student Government Club

  • Board Games

  • LQBTQ+


Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 11:10 - 11:30 a.m.

Every student at Yellow Wood is assigned a cohort. The cohorts are groups of 3-8 students and two teachers who meet twice a week to talk about upcoming events and projects as well as work on projects together. It is a time to develop teamwork and school community.

All-School Events

Throughout the School Year

Our wide range of school events, such as International Day, STEM fair, Health Fair, and Field Day, not only enhance academic learning but also foster social and emotional growth. Most of our events are student led by individuals or in one of our clubs like Student Government. These gatherings offer students chances to connect with peers from different backgrounds, nurture empathy through cultural exchange, develop teamwork and problem-solving abilities, and celebrate accomplishments. As a result, they contribute to creating a vibrant and nurturing school community where each individual feels appreciated and empowered.